
Elijah Wood once again play a hobbit

 Elijah Wood did appear in the adaptation of JRR Tolkien "The Hobbit", talk about a recently revived. The actor will play the role of Frodo, who's uncle - Bilbo Baggins - tells of the exploits of his youth. The actor will play the role of Frodo, who's uncle - Bilbo Baggins - tells of the exploits of his youth.

 Most likely, the role of an elderly hobbit get Martin Freeman (in the film Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" it played Ian Holm), while others will play the role of Cate Blanchett (elf Queen), Ian McKellen (Gandalf), Richard Armitage (Thorin the Dwarf). They say that the movie may appear, Stephen Fry, but in what role, still unknown. They say that the movie may appear, Stephen Fry, but in what role, still unknown.
I must say that "The Hobbit" without exaggeration, a complex fate. Work on the project began in 2007, but due to numerous legal proceedings, which were drawn in the studio, the heirs of JRR Tolkien and Peter Jackson, the shooting was delayed. Work on the project began in 2007, but due to numerous legal proceedings, which were drawn in the studio, the heirs of JRR Tolkien and Peter Jackson, the shooting was delayed.
Then the place of Peter Jackson took Guillermo del Toro, who has spent the film two years of life. He finalized the script and approved the format for 3D, which will be removed and the two parts of the picture. He finalized the script and approved the format for 3D, which will be removed and the two parts of the picture. However, in 2010, tired of the endless delays, it was forced to leave the project. However, in 2010, tired of the endless delays, it was forced to leave the project.
Peter Jackson once again left alone with the "Hobbit." Now he is faced with a challenge - not to let the studio Warner Brothers, on whose shoulders lay down a budget of $ 500 million. Now he is faced with a challenge - not to let the studio Warner Brothers, on whose shoulders lay down a budget of $ 500 million. Painting promises to become the most expensive in Hollywood history, is due out in December 2012. Painting promises to become the most expensive in Hollywood history, is due out in December 2012. Uh, would soon! Uh, would soon!
 Elijah Wood ...

 ... Cate Blanchett ...

.. Ian MakKellan played in "The Hobbit" the same role as in "The Lord of the Rings"